{"id":4689,"date":"2025-02-10T12:22:04","date_gmt":"2025-02-10T12:22:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/megastorytales.com\/?p=4689"},"modified":"2025-02-10T12:22:04","modified_gmt":"2025-02-10T12:22:04","slug":"budweiser-clydesdales-the-sandusky-county-fair-2022","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/megastorytales.com\/archives\/4689","title":{"rendered":"Budweiser Clydesdales @ The Sandusky County Fair 2022"},"content":{"rendered":"


hey this is sunny in the 419. we got the clydesdale the budweiser clydesdales here at the county fair here in fremont and uh what a display what uh hooking up eight horses they carry they bring ten horses with them and two dalmatians but only eight at a time go out so i\u2019m eager to see how they set them up and uh they\u2019re going to travel the fairgrounds in that cool so we\u2019ll be right back with i think his name is aiden from uh budweiser here comes aiden thanks a lot aiden for helping us out man what a show\n


you guys have yeah what do you love most about this well my favorite part is probably it\u2019s gotta be the people yeah we we wouldn\u2019t be coming to these places if there wasn\u2019t anybody to watch us right you know we wouldn\u2019t go to anywhere where there\u2019s no fans so they definitely make it fun for us and we like to put on a show you guys are like uh let\u2019s see the president you know the clydesdales are like right up there yeah oh yeah well and uh in 1933 we were the first beer in washington dc we had a really close relationship with\n


uh fdr the president at the time and we\u2019ve i mean we\u2019ve been around for a while so you really know the history don\u2019t you yeah i mean part of your job yeah it\u2019s part of the job yeah oh for sure now one thing i didn\u2019t hear and uh quest and you know asked but uh i kind of was curious now you\u2019re all the handlers you guys have a set amount of years that you have to do or is it a one year term or you stay as long as they want you to you you mean you said they stay as long as you want when you know when we hire people we are\n


very open about you know you can make a career out of us absolutely your career yeah wow see i talked to the oscar bologna the bologna wiener truck yeah and they said theirs is a one-year term they always changing over so that\u2019s neat yeah this could be your career that\u2019s the one thing with budweiser is you know once you get your foot in the door with whatever position they they open it up for you so do you see yourself doing this for your as a career 100 it\u2019s they really really take care of us and you know the perks of having the job\n


yeah yeah beer too yeah hey every once in a while you know you gotta you gotta promote the brand so now what are you a beer guy yourself are you more of the seltzers oh let\u2019s be coming yep beer we as a team we really love the bud light and bush light but you know and you know we celebrate times you know last night we brought on a new team member and it was budweiser all night all right man that\u2019s cool yes sir well we\u2019re gonna i\u2019m gonna try and catch it out and catch the clydesdales out in the fairgrounds for a little bit\n


so thanks for your time man absolutely thanks for uh hanging out all right speed has been on the road longer than brandon but he\u2019s still trying to figure out how that ramp works so brandon and steve steve he\u2019s gonna say that also 19 hands fall and 2100 pounds as well so like i said these are our two biggest horses that we travel with we are the third back at the bar his name is majestic so these three rehearsals are the biggest we got on the team and they all rotate through our real team and they\u2019re\n


going to be the closest to the wagon yes sir where is back to the farm so this week we\u2019re staying in norwalk ohio which is about 40 minutes from here and we just kind of for a week we set up in somebody\u2019s barn put all our stuff down and show out of there and then next week we go north carolina so just about every week we go to someone else\u2019s barn last week linen stitching been having trouble talking today so all that harnesses has on it\u2019s about 140 pounds and what you\u2019ll see is around only steve and brandon there\u2019s\n


a piece of harness that goes around the back of her legs and it\u2019s called the burchen so that is attached to all of this harness all the way up to the collar and when the driver up top pulls on the rain they sit back in that piece of harness and it stops the wagon completely so those are the only two horses that have that but that\u2019s why we put the biggest in the back so they can stop the wagon so roughly 140 pounds and if you\u2019re wondering it takes about an hour each set to polish and make sure that\n


all the weather is conditioned and everything so you\u2019ll have this morning we showed up and by we i need them not me they showed up at three o\u2019clock in the morning to make sure that all of the wagon and all the harness was so ready for you guys so it takes about two people four four and a half hours just standing in that truck making sure that it\u2019s all polished yes sir the harness is actually made from a a a master harness maker so our harness that our team has was made back in 2006. so it\u2019s been a red wiser look\n


so there\u2019s four different things that these horses all have in common in appearance so you\u2019re gonna have the four white stockings on the bottoms of their feet we\u2019re gonna be all day in color across the body you have the black mane and tail and then you have a white blaze down the center of their face and believe it or not we do have babies that don\u2019t always have those markings so those are the those are the horses that we managed to train other horses so there\u2019s always when i tell you that this job\u2019s for\n


everyone there are jobs for everyone whether it\u2019s training other horses training newer members of the team like the handlers things like that so i got distracted again you guys are answering asking all these great questions so this gentleman right here this is bandits so banded toby rj tim and jack brandon and steve they\u2019re all hooked up and so beck and bandit are actually like the wheel team they have another special piece of harness that no other horse has can anybody tell what it is i see this i don\u2019t know what this is\n


it\u2019s called the martingale so on the front right here of a bandit that is called the martingale and the rep what that means is the end of the line so that means i\u2019m the front i\u2019m the showman nobody else goes in front of me and when we get married off the truck she\u2019s gonna have one as well yes sir the annual budget of the program so we have three different farms across the us that are home bases for our three traveling teams we got 10 clydesdales on each team seven handlers three semis you gotta put gas\n


on the truck you gotta feed the horses you gotta feed us all i\u2019m saying is as long as i get my paycheck on friday it doesn\u2019t matter as long as i get the paycheck and i have a job the next week lots of money what\u2019s that i won\u2019t say it because i don\u2019t know if i were to guess it\u2019s close to a couple million dollars a year just in hay i\u2019m just kidding what\u2019s that yep we stay in hotels they don\u2019t make us sleep in the barns or they don\u2019t make us sleep in the sleepers or anything you know yep so all the hay that the horses eat\n


on the road it\u2019s called timothy hay and so budweiser has a partnership with a company called stanley and they\u2019re based out of idaho so out there they have thousands and thousands of acres of just timothy hay so every clydesdale the budweiser owns on the road or not big or small they all eat timothy hay from this company so we ship it out from the farm to our farm or and on the road wherever we may be so that these guys have a consistent diet doesn\u2019t cause any health issues yes ma\u2019am i\u2019m back oh yeah absolutely yeah that\u2019s you know\n


that\u2019s why we travel with 10 horses so when you you know get the horse ready for a show and he\u2019s like i\u2019m not leaving the stall no matter what we say fine you shut the door and you pick another one oh yeah no that and that\u2019s the other thing too is you cannot make these two thousand pound animals do anything we want them to they\u2019ve got to be willing to do it and that\u2019s why all of us handlers have really good relationships with the horses everybody works with everybody you know but you know they\u2019re just like people\n


they have their off days yes ma\u2019am how long is the front hey larry how long is the front rain the the rain that\u2019s hooked up to beckham bandit how long how long is it 70 to 80 feet there you go see that\u2019s the first question this week i didn\u2019t know the answer to all right they stopped me on the first day larry this is not good all right well this is it this is the east coast hitch we got air horses hooked up you got the domination on top the only thing we\u2019re missing is two drivers so right now we have two of our handlers\n


switching into the driver\u2019s uniform and they\u2019ll hop up on top of the wagon we have one of our handlers larry today he\u2019s our placeholder so he holds all of those reins in hand make sure that they don\u2019t take off on them but for the most part all of these horses they\u2019ve done it for a very consistent amount of time that they know that hey i\u2019m supposed to sit here until i hear that sound [Music] who\u2019s a mischief maker let me let me name the horses again and see if you can guess brandon steve jack and tim\n


toby and rj beck and bandit yes so vayner\u2019s always the one that\u2019s kind of nudging and you know antagonizing other horses following them around doing little brother stuff yes ma\u2019am question [Music] so most of the time yes all of our babies are born with the correct markings or that they show signs of when they get older that they\u2019ll grow into those markings so not every full looks like that when they\u2019re born so you can you can see it kind of on brandon but brandon and jack on their back left leg their feather white goes\n


all the way up to their hip so sometimes when the but when a baby is born it\u2019s it [Applause] we welcomed her to the bar yesterday with confetti cannons and everything and all that fun stuff and she bought us dinner last night if you know if you senior citizens want to work 90 hours a week please be my guest yes sir [Music] so there\u2019s a little bit of science that goes into that but how we choose our studs and mirrors that we use for breeding is based off of their genetics now before it was kind of like you know\n


you kind of guessed but now we have the technology to test jeans and see you know sometimes they skip generations and colors and sizes so we have our certain studs and our certain breeding mares for about a couple years and then after that we kind of integrate different horses [Music] yes sir are the dogs always girls and the answer is no but our team we do have both girls so mary and lily are actually sisters so same mother different litter they\u2019re about a year apart from each other so they get along just fine and they\n


also fight like sisters does anybody know why we have dalmatians very very similar yes so the dalmatians are you know the relationship with the fire department goes all the way back to the 1700s and so what their their job was to run alongside the horses make sure that they were running really fast you know get there on time to the fire and then when the firefighters were fighting the fire they were also guarding the wagon and making sure no one messed with the horses so when we started delivering beer in\n


1933 by the eight horse formation in the wagon it took about 20 years to figure out that you know we need somebody to make sure that nobody steals any budweiser and that nobody messes with the horses and so we saw the fire department as a huge opportunity so in the 1950s is when the dalmatian was considered the mascot for the wagon and they did exactly what they did for the fire department they just beat us to the punch that\u2019s it what\u2019s up buddy so how do they walk it\u2019s actually cool because these are all these horses when\n


they get going you\u2019ll see their feathers and they\u2019re all going to take like really small steps and you\u2019re going to see their feathers flying everywhere but once they get going they all they\u2019ll stomp they stomp all in rhythm you\u2019re welcome [Music] question is yes sir i\u2019ll wait in the back so all the gear on the horses so on top of the wagon today is going to be dave and jason they\u2019re going to be our two drivers for the day and so those green and white uniforms those colors represent the bush family\u2019s\n


barn colors so way way way back in the day when they just owned six to ten clydesdales their bond colors were white and green and then we put that blue gold stripe down the side of the paint to make it look good so to this day we still represent those colors and it\u2019s integrated into those uniforms [Music] oh my god [Music] what\u2019s that and that\u2019s the fun part we just wait for the thumbs up to go so while these guys are making their rounds across the fairgrounds i aiden will be standing here just hanging out\n


listening to music drinking lots of water because i\u2019ve been talking the whole time but if you guys have any questions or want to hang out with me feel free i\u2019ll be standing here for about an hour or so and then when they come back i\u2019ll be right here so feel free to come hang out with me i\u2019ll make some new friends just ma\u2019am [Music] that\u2019s a yes they are yep yeah around fairgrounds [Music] all right everybody give a huge round of applause for the world renowned budweiser clydesdales\n