[Music] my name is Greg Braden and I’d like to welcome you to this very special presentation of missing links the Deep truth of our origin history Destiny and fate in our last episode we saw the experiments that confirm in the laboratory what ancient and Indigenous Traditions have told us for thousands of years that we are literally wired to communicate with our body for health and self-healing well in this episode what I’d like to do is go beyond the laboratory Beyond Theory to see this Quantum link applied in the most
intimate levels of life in community so to illustrate this point I’d like to share with you a story it’s a deeply personal story for me uh about a time in my life when I was first exposed to this Quantum possibility and what it means for us on on an individual on a personal level my home is in the high deserts of Northern New Mexico it’s one of the most beautiful amazing places remaining in the world today it is very clean pristine and it is the home for a number of indigenous communities and it was in the early
1990s that an indigenous friend of mine called me on the phone and asked me if I wanted to join him to prey rain in a very very specific place in the high deserts of Northern New Mexico so a little background here the early 1990s one of the worst droughts in the history of all of the American desert Southwest was happening it had been over 5 years since a significant Regional rainfall had happened so at a predetermined time on a very special day we met and we hiked across 135,000 Acres of the most beautiful
fragrant high altitude Sage that you can imagine until we came to a place very similar to what you’re seeing on the screen right now uh to protect the privacy and the Integrity of my friends Traditions were not showing the actual sight and I want to be very honest with you about that but it was a medicine wheel that looked very similar to what you’re seeing right now and this medicine wheel he said to me he said this wheel has been here for so long he said we don’t even know who built this but every stone of this medicine wheel
is in precisely the place where our ancestors placed it and where we maintain it year after year year after year generation after generation after generation and I asked my friend uh and to protect his privacy I’m going to call him David it’s not his real name and I asked David why this place you know what’s so special about this place why is the medicine wheel here and he said this is a place where the skin between the worlds is very thin where the skin between the worlds is very thin so he was referring to the veil that we some
times feel separates us in this world from the possibilities of other worlds so for whatever reason whatever anomaly whether it’s a magnetic anomaly or a gravitational anomaly or a climactic anomaly his ancestors had found that this place was very effective for the time of prayers so I found myself on that day this medicine wheel with my friend David at the crack between the worlds during one of the worst droughts in the history of the American desert Southwest my ears had heard him invite me to Pray For Rain that’s not what
happened and without the understanding of the previous episodes what I say next probably wouldn’t make much sense but we have the benefit of those episode so let me now share with you exactly what happened CU I wasn’t prepared for what I saw next my friend David he sat in the dirt next to me he unlaced the shoes of his old work boots and he stepped into the medicine wheel with just his naked feet on the ground and he closed his eyes he created a p prayer mudra in front of him just for a few seconds just
for a few seconds and then he turned around he looked at me and he said I’m hungry you want to go for lunch and I said sure I said we can go for lunch but I said I thought you invited me here to pray for rain this is when he turned turned and looked at me and what he said changed my life it changed my perspective and the way I think about my relationship to the world I’m going to share it with you maybe it’ll change yours as well here’s what he said I said I thought you prayed for rain and he said no he said if I prayed
for rain rain could never happen because the moment we ask for something to happen in this world world in the asking for we are affirming that it does not exist now I invite you to think about that when we ask the universe for something we are implying that whatever we’re asking for or asking about or asking to appear or asking to happen is not present in the moment and in that way we are actually affirming in the field the very thing that we were hoping to change I hope that makes sense the quantum field that we talked about in
the last episode if you recall it is the container for all things it is the bridge between us and the world between what happens in here what happens out there and it is the mirror in our world for what we claim to be true in our hearts so if you think about that it makes perfect sense if you’re asking for reign as I thought my friend David was going to do if he asked that then the field interprets that as him asking for no rain because because the rain’s not there so I looked at him and I said
David if you didn’t pray for rain right now what did you just do and he said when I closed my eyes he said I felt the feeling as if the rain has already happened I felt the feeling of what it feels like he said to stand in my P village with my naked feet in the mud and the mud is there because there’s been so much rain he said I smelled the smells of what it smells like when the rain rolls off of the earth and walls of our poblo homes he said I felt the feeling of what it feels like when I walk through the fields of corn that are
this High against my naked chest and they’re this High because there’s been so much rain he said I felt the feeling of what it feels like like when my prayer is already answered and then I gave thanks for what has already happened he said in those few seconds I felt the feelings and I gave thanks for the rain that has already occurred this is a very very powerful story to me and it illustrates a Quantum principle because there is a huge difference between working toward an outcome and beginning as if the outcome
is already present I’m invite you to think about that when I was a young boy growing up in a rural community in Northern Missouri uh spent a lot of time working in a farm environment in a rural environment bailing hay mending fences training bird dogs feeding cows all those kinds of things I get cuts and bruises on my hands my legs all the time I remember my mom would always say to me and was very well-intentioned but she’d say the healing will happen slowly over a long period of time she said it’ll
heal a little bit today a little bit tomorrow a little bit the next day until pretty soon it’s all gone and if we Embrace that if we think that way if we accept that that is precisely the way the healing happens this is a linear way of thinking about the world and I’m not saying it’s right wrong good or bad because there are times in our lives we definitely want to think linear okay definitely want to think linear when you’re when you’re putting together if you’re working on a a an assembly line
at an auto Factory and you’re putting together the car that I might drive later in that year I want you to be linear I want you to do everything step by step by step working toward the goal when the scientists designed the space shuttle to take or or the Apollo capsules to take a human to the moon and back it was a linear process step by step each one building on the last so I’m making a distinction here there are times there are times when it’s good to think linear and good to to act in a linear way but we have just discovered
science is telling us we are not bound by the linear laws of physics as we know them today and that we have the ability to be in both worlds and when it comes to our healing there’s a huge difference between working toward the healing and coming from the outcome that the healing has already happened or in the case of my friend David coming from the out come that the rain has already appeared well we went into the nearest town T New Mexico and we had lunch that day and by the time I came back under my
property later that afternoon something began to happen that we had not seen for a very long time big black clouds were rolling in over the Sanger de Cristo mountains and it started to rain that afternoon and it rained and rained and rained it rained all afternoon it rained all night it rained all the next morning it was a mess there was so much rain the roads were flooded the fields were flooded cattle were stranded crops that remained were ruined because the ground had been so dry they couldn’t accept all
the rain and I called my friend David on the phone and I said David this is a mess I said what in the world is going on I said it has rained since I saw you yesterday afternoon it hasn’t stopped and he was quiet just for a moment and then he said to me on the phone he said Greg that’s the part of the prayer that the elders could never describe to me they couldn’t tell me how to stop the rain they told me how to get it started but I never learned how much to make and when to tell it to stop so I’m sharing
this story now for a couple of reasons and one of those reasons is because I cannot say to you as a scientist I cannot prove as a scientist that David’s prayer had anything to do with the rain that happened I have to say that there is a high correlation a high correlation between the time that prayer was offered and when the rain happened a rain that had not happened in that way for 5 years previous we have to say as a scientists there’s a high correlation because science is not at the place yet where
they can embrace the mechanism the cause and the effect well I watched the news that night in that part of New Mexico we’re able to pull in the TV stations from parts of Colorado Southern Colorado and parts of Northern New Mexico and remember the weatherman on the Colorado station uh and he showed the weather map and he showed a low pressure system coming across Northern Colorado and right about the time of Denver this low pressure system dropped and made a loop right around Northern New Mexico where
we were and came right back up and that low pressure is what brought the rain I remember the weatherman he stepped back and he looked at that very unusual looking pattern where the the the pressure system just dropped and all he said was huh it was all he said because he couldn’t explain what was happening so I’m sharing this with you from a perspective of everyday life indigenous Traditions what they have learned in their lives and how they apply Quantum principles without using that term in a
very real way in their lives and what science has shown us is that high pressure systems and low pressure systems climate systems respond to magnetic fields the strongest biom magnetic field in the human body is not in the brain it’s in the heart [Music]