it’s going hi everybody we have made it to Ruben’s today and we got all three Clyde stales with us and believe me that was a load 4,300 lbs of horses in that trailer I’ve G to have to upgrade my trailer um but we made it what we’re going to make the video about today is the structural issues that Oliver’s having the lameness issue that beauty had and the structure of her back feet I don’t really like that how they’re made we’re going to see what Ruben can teach us about that and most of the video will
be about Luna’s canker cuz the vet said to be pretty aggressive with cutting out as much of that as we can since we’ve been treating it a couple months and and need to make some progress so Reuben’s very knowledgeable about that I’m sure we’re going to learn a lot together but one thing I’ve learned already if you look over here look at the difference in Reuben’s shed we have obviously been paying him too much don’t you think I mean look at this thing holy cow horseshoe and shed’s nicer than our
house it looks really nice did you do all this yourself Reuben I’m afraid I got admit I did almost none of it myself nice Reuben also redid the inside of his barn he did the metal ceiling and then the wood on the walls a new hitching uh post which was really nice Hitching Rail uh I was telling J.R we should do a new tack room uh build it onto the side of our barn and do the wood like this I just thought it was really beautiful so Reuben here’s the problem but having on all of the the feet on these twoo is
these holes in the heel what is that so basically the frog has what what it’s called a central sulcus when the when you look at the sensitive frog see how we’ve got this big old nice vshape but it’s and it’s pretty flat across the top usually on a on when you look at the sensitive frog it’s got your Central sucus and I’ll kind of carve that into it right now so it’s not just a big old wedge shape that’s flat across the top it comes up and kind of goes back down into the Little Valley again does that make
sense mhm um when the get into all this wet weather that Central sulcus tends to become thrusty it’s actually pretty solid now there’s a small hole there when it gets really bad separation right there too when it gets really bad you’ll see a crack going up up into your heel bulb that’s what she has yeah yeah Mar yep it’s deep-seated thrust is basically what I’ve been treating this I’ve been cleaning that out with like a high press bleach water and scrubbing it and then once it dries I’ve been dropping the
copper tox down in it yep yeah that’s good um this is this is nothing to worry about at this point you did good treating it uh there’s no crack going up into the central so CU that’s what I look for you can have a really good solid looking frog that’s got a crack going up into there this little crack here doesn’t offend you no no I mean it’s so all everything we’re working on is is horny tissue right yeah it’s not it doesn’t go into any kind of sensitive structure I do like to when I see um an area like that make sure it’s not
going to trap dirt you know take it out if if it’s going to be trappy but I mean that you’d be surprised how far some of these go in there but that’s all that’s all I can still like once a week I can clean that put copper tox on it or something yeah I wouldn’t put copper tox on it more than once a week um but yeah yeah if you have any any worries at all clean it and treat it yeah is there is that thrust down in there too yeah a little bit in the collateral sofus there um it just gets up in there and the dirt packs in
there and that anerobic fungus once again can’t live in air but the dirt packs in there hides it and it just thrives in there and probably twice this month I’ve soaked this foot in hot water and epson salts to try to soak that out yeah yeah it’s tough I’ve seen a lot a lot of thrust this year just because it’s been such a wet year but no this is all pretty superficial there’s there’s really nothing nothing big to worry about at this point are you down past the thrush in that one or not I’m down to where it
connects to the so so I mean the thrush is all the way down to that uh um and all the thrust down in here is very superficial it’s not gotten into the foot at this point the place eight into the foot was right in here so he’s doing pretty good yeah he’s not doing too bad I’ll still treat it consider yeah still treat it uh considering all the wet weather we’ve had he’s not looking too bad so yeah I dug that out myself a little bit to put the medicine in there yeah is it still active or have I got it
killed or I mean there’s that black stuff there’s still some thresh in there U it’ll be a lot easier to get it to die off now that we’ve got it totally uncovered that frog trimmed and stuff okay so so once a week or twice a week treat it what do you think um oh but I treat it with that you know with your copper TOS once a week clean it clean it regularly of course scrub it out um and if you got some more mild stuff to treat it with in between that’s awesome buddy so probably water yeah sure EP Sals
yep so this time Oliver did have a little bit of thres and I’m sure the question is going to arise if he got it from beauty or Luna and the answer is no he did not it’s just something uh draft horses basically have a weakness for it their hoofs are so deep and uh we’ll just kind of have to stay on top of it be proactive uh and we’ll get it completely cleared up uh before we know it we did put a full set of shoes on Oliver uh but we’re not going to show that whole process in this video however we do have videos uh from the past uh
that you can go back and watch to see that process Reuben is got this shoe heated up and when he pushes it to the hoof it kind of sets itself Burns in to where it shows what needs to be um carved out for the uh clip the toe clip to go in and that toe clip the purpose of that is to keep that shoe um some of the pressure from that shoe from wearing on those nail nails and gives a little bit more structure makes it makes the shoe kind of part of the hoof is that right Reuben yeah you got it the heat does not hurt
their hoof at all uh that’s fingernail basically fingernail material just like on you is what the the heat is going up to now if you left the heat on there for a long time it might heat up something that’s living but that the horse does not react to it at all doesn’t hurt them it assures a better you know more sound fit of the Horseshoe here’s what a little piece of that looks like see how it looks just like thumbnail H that’s just what he’s trimming out to fit that toe clip in it’s got the exact same well not the
exact same it’s a little more pliable than when you’re like a fingernail clipping it’s basically the same material okay so we’re done with um Oliver sewing Reuben’s putting the special sauce on there nail polish and uh he did pretty good he moved a couple times but overall I give him an A minus he was a good boy and the shoes look great he’s going to be uh he’s going to be real well taken care of for all the work he’s about to go into for the winter season she’s been shot a bunch of times before oh she has
to always so you can’t really hear Jr very well but he’s telling Reuben that beauty uh previously in the past had been Shaw using stalks and Ruben was saying that that’s not really in their favor it kind of just teaches a horse some bad habits I took her to the vet and the vet said it was both the crack and a stone bruise cuz I drove her Barefoot okay that’s why it’s her leg shaved and stuff so we’ve been putting some antibiotics in it okay and soaking it a bunch okay she stopped limping though she was
not putting any weight on it for about a week but she’s kind of just walking normal now but okay if she trots or something you can still see a [ __ ] okay if she hits a rock or something yeah I’d say there her thrush was kind of bothered her a little bit that looks pretty dried up now so that’s good okay so this is the hoof we’ve had the most trouble with on beauty and the heel crack on the heel bulb is what I’m really con concerned about and what what was that called earlier this the so you got your central sulcus right here
sulcus yep okay yep um and then you got your collateral grooves or collateral sulcus that’s a a really good spot for thrust to get in it get you get seated in there and gets trappy if the Frog’s folded over or anything it gets really bad is you’ll get a crack up past that is cracked or not uh looks like it was but it’s it’s actually starting to heal shut again okay so the that’s probably from all the Epson salt soaps and stuff we’ve been doing it’s it’s starting to heal up there’s still a damp spot right
in there that was pretty deep um that still needs to dry out this is real real nice and dry okay so this is actually your primary part of concern right now okay um and I’d say just having it trimmed out will be the biggest thing the biggest thing to remember with any kind of um anerobic bacteria anob means it cannot live in air so once it’s exposed to air it’s going to die so that’s keeping them nice and cleaned out is probably pretty important that’s more important than anything else yep you can treat it with
whatever if if if your treatment does not get to the very back part of it it’s not going to do any good right and that’s where our treatment wasn’t getting to yeah at this point right here it was getting to it just fine but because this was not uh exposed your treatment couldn’t get to that okay so yeah that’s going to be the most important part so I’d say now in pretty short period of time this is going to be dried up like this what about the structure of her foot is it not as good as Oliver’s
um easy her fronts don’t seem to be her worse problem yeah they’re going to be a little harder to fit it’s not as nice and round um so it’s going to be not it’s going to be harder to make it look good what we’re going to have to remember is this the foot she’s got we’re going to trim it as sound and as structurally strong as we can and kind of leave it at that we can get ourselves in trouble pretty easy by trying to make a foot that’s you what we’ve got right here a little more pointy wide in the
heels um we we’ve got a picture in our head of a nice big round flowy foot this is not a nice big round flowy foot we’re not going to we’re not going to try to make it that we’re going to try to make it a strong foot and that’s really going to look better than if we were try to make it round and what’s appealing to our eyes cuz she is I mean she’s got what she’s got at this point so but no not try to make it overall pretty decent feet the back the backs are worse the backs are worse they they look pretty upright they have like
an upright the heels are super long deep and there Tiss the frogs are folded over the problem with a foot like that is you’re going to have way more thrush problems yeah just because it’s it’s so much more traic can’t fix it can’t make them heals drop like you can you can trim them down but they’re still going to grow faster than just because of her confirmation this put in better shape than the other one the Frog’s in real good shape the lateral grooves are in great shape uh the central Groove has a
little bit of of dried up thrush like we’ve cured it but it had thrush in it yeah so okay so here’s what the shoe looks like for beauty got it all trimmed up and looking good it we hot fit her too she did not like it as much as Oliver Scar the smoke really scared her and she freaked out I was or uh Reuben would get hurt but he knows what he’s doing knows where how to get out of the way I guess so now he’s going to put the front shoes on her and then we’ll look at the back how’s that one looking compared to the
other uh actually probably a little cleaner a little cleaner yeah I think so see how there’s not a big old crack gun up in there so overall Beauty’s hoofs I don’t think they were quite as bad as we were thinking obviously uh the shape of them is not you know perfect not as good as Olivers and stuff like that she has the thres but the thres I don’t think it was as severe as we thought it was going to be so obviously just like Oliver we’re going to be proactive uh being doing treatments on her to get it to clear up
uh but she’s going to be okay so we were happy with that she’s got her new set of shoes on uh she did act pretty rough uh with the smoke it scared her is what it was but by the end she had made progress and calmed down quite a bit and of course Jerry’s going to keep working with her so hopefully by the next time we go up she’ll behave quite a bit better okay she’s all done all done okay we’re going to move on to Luna now but I just wanted to give everybody a fair warning uh sometimes stuff like
this grosses some people out more than others so if you’re one of those people uh here is your chance to skip on by we’re going to show as much of the process as we can but it will be limited due to restrictions here on YouTube if you want to see the whole process unedited we are going to put it over on our patreon so you can check it out there I’ll put a link to our patreon in the description of this video yeah she got some cheesy Stuff just in case you’re not sure or you’re wondering Reuben has just exposed the
canker right there he’s cutting it out it’s the stuff that’s Whitter looking than the rest of the hoof and it’s on your right of the screen but uh Luna’s left side of her hoof we did give Luna a big dose of pain medicine before beginning this not right before but about an hour before we started so that it was already in her system yeah it’s deep in that the Frog huh mhm how’s it looking oh cheesy slowly carve it away not as bad as I thought it might be but right in there this side of the Frog so far looks pretty normal that side
there got some C going on so now I can see the difference between thrush and Canker cuz I was very confused about that yeah see that white obvious now do you believe they’re two different things though or is one just more banded or the other uh yeah they’re two different things I would say I some people believe they’re that canker is just Advanced thrush yeah canker has never really been fully understood to my knowledge What I Hear yeah that’s whatever yeah you know where where it grows from what you know how it grows I don’t
know but to me I mean thres is a bacteria that eats away at the Frog canker is something that grows you know it’s it’s a substance to me thrush is is a is a is a bacteria so this is more than a bacteria oh baby you’re good you’re all right probably felt good to get that rock out there mhm that suck was inde de yeah all covered up too you poor girl that’s awful that’s oh man so everything that Ruben’s cutting at right there in that area that is canker did you get through it to live stuff there yeah I mean we still got
tank up underneath it too just going to cut out as much as as I can when they go in and do the surgery like they get way deeper than this they they’ll put a tourniquet on have you ever seen it before where somebody gets it treated topically like we’re treating it and kill it never have totally know so it’ll be interesting to see it works basically all I’m going to do is try to get in there you take the crap out of it you know the blood going aggressive as you feel comfortable so yeah obviously once it’s covered in blood I
can’t really see so I got a Snuffer bottle I can rinse it for you as you go that wouldn’t hurt you got got one right here actually before I go much further I’m going to go ahead and trim some of this foot once again I’m going to try to cut those heels down as far as I can just so she’s not tra dir what are those called Urgot what does that mean I don’t know it’s actually got its own ligament U there a ligament of there got it’s not considered have any benefit so got sour yeah she’s tired of M she’s got pretty nice feet out than the
inside of them yeah man she have been a brood Mar extraordinaire if I had her papers with the foot structure and Confirmation and yeah you ready for another rinse yeah I think we’re ready to rinse it and uh pack it so you might want to get your packing and stuff ready was a pretty big mess there at the end and it took all three of us to get Luna’s hoof wrap so I just had to put the cameras down and we didn’t film any of them okay so she bled a lot cutting that bottom part of that canker out of that hoof but that much blood flow go
being open up there will trigger her body’s own healing by sending more red blood or white blood cells sorry down to that spot and it’ll make that spot there’s almost no dead tissue there now we’ve cut away almost all the dead tissue so now the red blood cells that or the blood flow down there will hopefully stimulate some healing and some of our own internal body healing instead of the external uh you know applications that we’ve been doing how’s the thresh looking in the front feet uh it’s actually not too bad of shape no caner
right not that I’m able to to detect range canker normally shows up in the front not the back feet huh yeah yep sure it does I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it in the back before it looks good just trying to get these CLS clean out really well go from there she’s got really nice feet r didn’t find any canker in the front feet he thought they looked pretty good there was a little bit of thrush like we already knew that was in there but we’re getting it cleared up so all was good [Music] there see how Bo they are than
don’t be too H too in a hurry to mix your stuff up Jr you may not need it on this one I’ll put it in there regardless uh yeah you can do that I’ve not seen any canker so far no you’re kidding not on this one I mean look at it em there’s no no cheesy that’s what I was thinking but I was like that had it between the the central one it was white cottage cheese I’ve cut it out of there myself and that Central one really yeah so we’ve cured it because it was it was de up right now I mean there’s nothing well there’s some
right you’re about to get to that crack right there yeah that’s Oh I thought I saw some squeeze out of there yeah I thought I se them over there too but I can’t it’s dark yeah either way we’re making progress cuz it was they were yeah let me get this trimmed and then we’ll get further down in there kind of made a mistake not trimming the other foot before I got it B oh baby baby there some little bit in there darn I thought maybe damn it I was hoping it would be nothing there it’s just deep in there H
mhm yep try not to hit too much of it till I got most of that yeah frog Tiss you cut it oh Bab I think tonight we’ll take the boots off and just do an Epson salt soak um maybe hurt too yeah I think i’ I’d leave it covered for a while I mean you can take it off and do a soak and but I definitely cover it back up and I was thinking that maybe she was totally over it for a second yeah sorry I didn’t mean to get your hopes up you sure did like it for a yeah it looked really healthy didn’t it I mean it doesn’t seem quite as
intense as the other side no it doesn’t by any means no even like the I don’t know yeah so where I’m seeing it is the top part of the Frog right uh White yeah right up here bulbs into the Frog mhm yeah the front half the frog looks perfectly healthy see how we’re getting into healthy frog tissue right here I can see that yeah but back behind there it’s just all tanker all right might get your stuff ready we’re going to be ready okay so we’re going to wrap it again yeah beautiful foot actually yeah it is nice
foot beautiful I mean it’ be beautiful to Sho all right we’re good you take a break before no okay get it need to get it backed in there oh man good job that’s hard work I didn’t go up the toe as high as you did but I didn’t going it’s really she’s [Music] done okay everybody we’re up here with beauty and Luna Luna is getting a day off or a day out to exercise and stretch up here on the hillside we just wanted to give a little update um since we’ve been to the fer and had her uh the canker AB braided out
of her Hooves we kind of upped the uh treatment to a little bit more aggressive treatment because we’ve been doing it for two and a half months and haven’t made really any Headway well the aggressive treatment along with the abrasion kind of back fired cuz it started causing her a little pain then she Associated me treating her with her pain and now she won’t let me treat her she’s you’ve seen all the videos of how well she’s behaved and stood there for all of the medications we’ve done for every day since October you know or
every other day at least and she’s been so well behaved well now she’s not standing for it she uh she’s said she’s had enough which is really not good um cuz we were trying to make some Headway and trying to be aggressive and really try to get it under control which nothing really seems to be working I mean there’s days we think it looks better and then days that it’s obviously not better um so what we’ve done we haven’t treated her for about a week now um where just giving her a break and then I’m going to take her in the round
pin and retrain her to stand and we’ll go backwards to a less aggressive treatment that will make her feet feel better so that um that takes away pain so it may not be killing the canker but it’ll get her more comfortable so that she trusts us to work on her again um it’s just kind of we take as much as we can take until she says too much and then we have to give uh so yeah I don’t necessarily think it was a mistake because we tried like I say for two and a half months gradually stepping up how
the severity of our treatment to try to see results um we couldn’t just keep doing something that wouldn’t cause you know potentially cause damage and not be getting results so we did what we had to do and it’s not going so well right now um everything’s not always good news so we just got to be honest when we are having obstacles than fighting through and right now she’s not lame she’s out here playing and walking around here I can we walk up to her and she’ll move off because she doesn’t want me to touch her
but you can see she’s not she’s not hurting hi Beauty you want a treat there you go well just take the treat not the finger so yeah yeah they’re feeling real good it’s just cool weather yeah it’s cold out today but yeah but we’re not winning we’re not winning the fight with the canker not as of yet there’s more of that footage on the uh patreon Channel like if you want to see like more of the abrasion uncut for YouTube You Know YouTube you can’t really see uh anything red you know they’ll they’ll demonetize you and
deplatform your video for that so you can go to our patreon channel the links in the description plus patreon is really what supports the care of Luna that’s just the best way to financially support the channel um other than that just hitting the like button and sharing and subscribing that is a great way of supporting the channel that is free and we appreciate it and uh maybe just say a prayer for Luna and in the next I think she’s had long enough break so in the next day or two I’ll take her in the
round pin and just act like she’s a cult that doesn’t know how to pick her feet up and retrain her to stand and then I’ll be very careful to make her comfortable for the first week of treating her feet again before we start getting back into the the stronger medications so we will do our very best to keep you all updated on Luna hopefully next time you see her it’s a little bit brighter news you know bringing her here to Homestead horsemanship we really had no clue how this was going to unfold and we still
don’t all we can really do is try our very best and take it one day at a time not give up hope with her finding patience within ourselves and show her that she can trust us once again [Music] [Music]