A Christmas Surprise!!!

hi everybody we are headed to the vet to get um Beauty preg checked but my vet Dr burer saw my Facebook post saying that I didn’t know how to fit my harnesses properly and he said bring them along and we’ll talk about harness fit cuz he he’s just a nice guy and he thought that sounded like fun so I got AR uh Oliver’s new harness on I got Beauty harness on her and we’re going to take them with us and uh hopefully have a little fun while we’re there yeah and hopefully Beauty’s pregnant and also for everybody Oliver’s
leg is better cuz that last video of Oliver he had that injury we took him to the vet the swelling’s down he’s not acting sore and he’s walking good so all’s good there all right we are on on route to the vet and we’re running 13 minutes late as usual the horse trailer’s got to go Oliver no longer fits in it um I tried to load him harnessed up which I got him in there but the HS were dragging across the ceiling and he had to like yeah it just was not a it was not a good thing he doesn’t fit front to back either so next
year I’m going to have to put it on my list of things to do is to find him a horse trailer that fits yeah we got all we got them in there and it’ll be fun to pick the vet’s brain and see if we have time to drive them around a little while we’re up there uh I’m really wanting to get to this team okay we we’re at the vet we got the Clydes out and we’re just waiting on Dr Burger he always gets us in in the early early mornings technically before he’s even open so sometimes we wait on him for just a
little bit that’s what we get for being his number one customer what what are your odds on beauty being bread you think 5% yeah we’re not we’re not we’re going to be surprised if she tried this on the last ultrasound last month he said she had follicle forming like about to come into season but it was an oval shape they’re supposed to be perfectly round and we never seen the two of them breed we’ve seen her flirting and asking for it a lot but never but he he wouldn’t game so but also it would be because it’s the
time of year where the Mayors go out of heat so so that’s why she wouldn’t have fully come into heat before doing the ultrasound Dr Burger wanted to go over the harness fitting I’d like to get this ring just a little bit further back L your top strap just a little your quarter straps are too tight you need to have slack there your belly band’s too tight you need to have slack there it’s not like giring a horse we need we need room for the harness to move even when I’m going to be using it cuz I most of the time I use
it with a cart okay so I usually Drive teams yeah uh well I’m going to start yeah see you need you need movement here this needs to De I would I would add I’d probably add two in to each quarter strap and do you put it underneath this belly band I go under the band that’s the first time I’ve done that and I don’t really like it cuz I’m worried about it I usually go under the band but see the band’s too tight so there we go so you want you got to that way this has room to this has room to move looks too far back yeah see I I
like it right on and this is what I was caught was right on the high part right on the high yeah but am I pass it or you think that’s okay you’re right there okay um you know I I drive teams I don’t drive singles um so that changes this but I you want a little bit this needs to have a little bit of room to move if it’s too tight then they they don’t have but again that’s for teams uh you’d want to double check double check with somebody who drives singles more uh now you’re going to want to lengthen this
at least probably two spots would be my guess I was always taught to go to go between the animal and that belly because that way they don’t get their legs caught in these quarter straps you that’s better so cool that’s better I mean so there’s no like rule thumb like so many inches or I can fit two fists back there I was not taught that that but then this but I was taught you need you want a couple inches of you need several inches of play here so that’s good some everybody on that strain that you commented on was saying
that this angle needs to match this yeah see now you’re now you’re pretty much you’re pretty much there it does whenever whenever you have them tight in when they’re in harness and in the wagon then this is going to be at about the same angle as the HS and then but you still need then you know once this is tight what about how low this is hitting there that I wouldn’t want to be any lower yeah but if I I wouldn’t mind coming up one spot on now when you do that about there you have to do all four
well depend see your angle is different on this one sloping to the back a little bit I would raise I think you’re going to have to raise both of them and you know just because this is the way I was taught doesn’t mean it’s the gospel well the way I looked at it when I was deciding Whose advice to take if I made them sore or hurt them with the harness you would have to fix it I got now now look what your angle see you’re pretty close a little bit better yeah I like that better that fits more like that’s that’s position fit more
like how I was taught what about the collar okay I would go with this one I think you’re I think you’re pretty good um I can get my hand in here and it’s not setting low enough lot of times we oversize collar we collar’s too big cuz we think oh we want to make sure they have plenty of room here what that does is it ends up putting pressure on the point of the shoulder which we don’t want we want it putting pressure on the shoulder blades which that’s what this one’s doing I would stick with this
I got mes yeah we’re just trying to I would do you know the looking at the same thing um this needs to be here and uh I like this height that’s pretty good I would want to bring my my ring back um and I’d want to loosen this um and you need you need more play here okay and a collar uh a little bit little big okay well it can adjust a little big it can adjust small wouldn’t hurt to raise it just a little bit but not nothing terrible but it’s just a there’s a little more room here than than ideal
so that ends up putting pressure closer to the shoulder blade or shoulder joint Al it’s it’s up above it I think it’s it’s fine it’s not going to hurt him uh at that stage I probably would look can your yeah and you can adjust your H too if you need I think I mean it is close enough Gap just a bit here I can see the lacing but it’s it’s good and tight and the positioning is pretty good all right close enough Dr burger and Jr adjusted Oliver’s harness for quite some time uh they got it to where they thought it was
fitting him a little bit better and we’re very thankful for all the pointers and tips that Dr Burger gave us with this and we would show you more of the process but we’re pretty sure you all are on pins and needles waiting to find out if Oliver and Beauty are expecting so let’s move on to the ultrasound get a good look at it that’s what you’re looking for what do you mean that’s what we’re looking for supposed to be pregnant right yeah there you go you’re kidding I did not think so yeah your language my
gosh good yay Beauty Oliver’s baby yeah you sure that’s not just a u black hole in outer space what it puts me in my I can’t believe it I was not expecting be pretty pretty weird looking otherwise it looks like a pregnancy to me where’s the baby well how uh I need to measure it but I don’t think we’re far enough long to see it yet there we go uh how about 19 days perfect probably right I just switched to show horses at that point anyway I use them all winter a yeah all of is having a baby what did
he say 19 days along that’s what he it measured out so roughly pretty cool yay Beauty I going to be a mommy there’s a mommy yay okay everybody so Merry Christmas we have a baby Oliver on the way it’s very exciting news um couldn’t think of anything better for uh for the new year and to have something like that to look forward to and it’ll be a registered glid taale so that’s really awesome so the breeding date was supposed to be around November 21st or November 20th which is our anniversary so that’s
pretty neat um horses can be pregnant anywhere from 331 days to uh to a year matter of fact they’re they’re not even considered late until over a year of gestation so my lifetime average with Fox Trotters is 11 days short of a year so for me counting back from November 20th or November 21st I would be you know around November 9th November 10th for my estimate um so we’re going to say the 10th is her due date now the full calculators on the internet say 331 days to 346 days so that would put her from the middle to
toward middle of October to the 1 of November uh would be her her official date on the C full calculators November 2nd but I I don’t want youall to get your hopes up till around November 10th and then also one thing to be cognizant of and and aware of is that Clydesdales are notoriously hard birthers and hard mothers that’s why the one of the reasons why the breed is dying out and one of the reasons why I want to bring it back so we are taking risk in producing the Next Generation but that’s why we want to use a young healthy mayor
like this and he’s not the biggest Clyde stale stallion not that the size should matter too much but with these fos they have such a heavy bone mass um and I don’t really know all the reasons why they’re hard to F but um you know here we’ll give her the best nutrition she’s getting alphaalpha twice a day and give her the best care we can and and I will of course we won’t sleep a wink will we and we’ll be living in the barn and have uh we’ll have that a camera system installed and a live feed probably for
you guys by next year and we’re really excited about it um we were already trying to pick baby names uh we like Ruben for a boy and we like um calonia for a girl but we don’t know we got a lot of lot of name ideas just real excited we still try to let them spend a little bit of time together just for bonding reasons and so that they’ll be a better you know so I can work them in harness as a team without them the stallion may you know Fiasco happening but we also have to be extra careful now can’t leave them together all the time
because they have shoes on so any little insignificant kick could mean more uh than it would mean other times of the year or when they’re unshod now cuz they do kick at each other a little bit more than what I would like him and champ never kick at each other not even over grain it’s amazing so I do keep him and champ together uh 247 now um and then just certain pretty days like today I’ll put these two out on the hillside together and uh but I won’t feed them grain together or anything like that um so it’s pretty
awesome though everything’s working out good we got a baby on the way and you know it’s just something something that yall hopefully y’all will follow the story and hit the like And subscribe button and turn on your notifications that way as this story progresses we can keep track of you know her belt maybe that’d be a fun thing to start doing we could do belly measurements as we go on her um and start with like now where she’s you know right now that thing’s the size of a golf ball so it’s really having no
effect on her abdomen but by the time she’s done and that’s what the harness guy told or the vet told me about harnessing her he said you can work her and harness till the harness doesn’t fit anymore so she’s going to get huge and then also another thing it would be fun to do is guess the birth weight so the largest Fox Trotter I’ve ever had born was Chantelly lace she’s down there in the pasture she was 125 PBS at Birth and I’ve weighed every Fox truter full I’ve ever had and and the smallest I’ve ever had was Prince who’s
also this year’s full 62 lbs and uh the average that I get is like in the 92 pound range like when I get one that weighs 92 I don’t say it’s big or small that’s that’s just my average um so with her and him I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t break the 125 PB record for me I would I would say my my official guess is going to be one I can’t decide if I want to say 132 or 138 138 will be my official guest do you know the average of I have no clue I have no clue what the average Clyde stale birth is um
this is going to be our first Clydesdale birth I’m going to be talking to Clydesdale experts and you know have my vet Consulting with me a lot on this because there’s allegedly they’re really hard for them to get up they’re really hard to get to nurse the first time um just a whole bunch of those things but I I think that’s also a lot because a lot of people don’t do all the steps with Clyde stales they’re so big they just let them past your birth and stuff like that and we’ll have her up we’ll be watching her we’ll be
feeding her extra we’ll have supplements on hand we’ll have a emergency kit plus I don’t want to sound arrogant but I have generational experience raising fos now they weren’t Clyde stales but it will surely come in in handy um when she folds so hopefully everything goes all right and um we’ll have a new baby Clyde’s taale for the channel this time next year it’s going to be a long wait so buckle up so Merry Christmas everyone we hope you as excited as we are to have a baby Clyde Deale on the way 2024 has definitely
been quite the year for us we’ve had some really beautiful Highs but also some low lows on some really hard times but we know through it all God love is right here with us he never leaves us and our hope is continually renewed in him and because of that love we can walk into this New Year 2025 with our heads held high and joy in our hearts anticipating the arrival of Oliver and beauties’s First full [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]